Communication Arts Department Faculty

Austin Anderson is the Interim Program Coordinator of Judson’s Communications Arts Department. Austin has taught Introduction to Sports Broadcasting/Sports Information, Questions of Life: Entering the Judson Conversation, Foundations of Speech, and Wellness as an adjunct professional within Judson’s Demoss Center of Worship in the Performing Arts since 2021. In his new role, Austin will teach public speaking, communication, media, and sports broadcasting while also advising students within the Communication Arts Program.
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Dr. Anderson, a Judson alumnus (’86), serves as Director of Judson’s Demoss Center for Worship in the Performing Arts, with responsibilities that include directing the Judson University Choir and teaching in the Worship Arts and Music departments.
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Judson President Gene Crume earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations and his Master’s degree in Communications from Western Kentucky University. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Organizational Leadership from the University of Virginia. Throughout his career, he has been committed to passing on his experience and knowledge by serving as an assistant professor or adjunct instructor for classes in business, public relations, and communications at several institutions. He is currently teaching Media Arts 443: Fundamentals of Public Relations at Judson.
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Dr. Ryan Schaefer is an adjunct professor at Judson University. He teaches in the Communication Arts and Education departments. In addition, Dr. Schaefer is an assistant principal at a K-5 Elementary School in Crystal Lake. He graduated from Judson’s Master of Education in Literacy and Doctor of Education in Literacy programs.
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