Current News
Most recent information is at the top of the updates
Monday, October 11, 2022
Please see the Quarterly HEERF funding report for Quarter 3 2022:
Past News
Friday, September 16, 2022
As we resume campus activities this fall we wanted to provide an update to the campus on Judson’s policy and procedures in regards to COVID-19. Although we no longer require the campus community to wear masks in all indoor campus spaces, some faculty members and employees may still wear masks and may ask students to wear masks in their classrooms or office spaces.
For confirmed COVID-19 positive cases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends staying home and isolating away from others for at least five days for cases where symptoms are mild. The individual can resume normal activities after the fifth day if symptoms are improving and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication, but they should wear a mask around others until the tenth day of symptom onset.
Judson University strongly recommends persons who have symptoms of any contagious illness, including COVID-19, to return home to isolate and recover. If this creates a hardship please reach out to Student Life.
The CDC no longer recommends quarantine for persons who have been exposed to COVID-19. The CDC does recommend masking around others for 10 days following exposure for persons who are not fully vaccinated, and also recommends that persons who are not fully vaccinated be tested for COVID-19 after day five.
Monday, July 11, 2022
Please see the Quarterly HEERF funding report for Quarter 2 2022:
Friday, April 8, 2022
Judson Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I, II, III): Quarterly Reporting Requirements for March 31, 2022
In May 2021, Judson received $1,850,746 in a third round of federal funding provided through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III). This act provides funds for the University to issue emergency relief grants to students eligible to apply for federal financial aid and who demonstrate exceptional need. As of March 31, 2022, emergency relief grants had been distributed to students totaling $1,850,746.
Please see the Institutional Portion funding report:
Monday, February 28, 2022
Dear Judson Students and Parents,
As of Monday, February 28, the mask requirements at Judson University are mask optional. Masks are no longer required in public spaces on campus. However, we still have the following masks protocols in place.
· If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, then please do so. As we have shared, our most important health protocols throughout the COVID pandemic were that you are responsible for your health choices and we will respect your health decisions.
· Masking requirements in your classes and co-curricular activities are up to your faculty members or the leaders of the co-curricular function. Please be respectful of their decisions and participate appropriately. Remember, there are people moving in and out of your life on campus that might have very serious health considerations that you are unaware of so when a masking protocol is requested then be respectful of that request.
· We will continue to reserve one section of the upper balcony at Chapel for masks only. Again, be respectful of the students, faculty and staff who sit there; and if you choose to sit there, then wear your mask.
Judson University will continue to provide free testing on campus each Tuesday for the convenience of our community.
As a reminder, if you are not feeling well please notify the Health Center at 847.628.2465. If you are sick, especially if you have a fever or if you tested positive and you are isolating off-campus, please contact Kristina Browne at [email protected] so she can guide you through our protocols.
Our community has done a remarkable job, thanks to God’s protection and provision, remaining safe and healthy. Since August 2020, our campus has remained open with students living on campus. In addition, on campus events and activities have continued, and the dining hall has remained open throughout this time. Thank you to each of you for your part in keeping our community safe as well as remaining reasonable, respectful and grace-filled during this time. A special appreciation to the many staff and faculty who have worked to keep our campus safe.
Judson University will continue to provide free testing on campus each Tuesday for the convenience of our community.
Dr. Gene Crume,
Monday, January 10, 2022
Judson Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I, II, III): Quarterly Reporting Requirements for December 31, 2021
In May 2021, Judson received $1,850,746 in a third round of federal funding provided through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III). This act provides funds for the University to issue emergency relief grants to students eligible to apply for federal financial aid and who demonstrate exceptional need. As of December 31, 2021, emergency relief grants had been distributed to students totaling $1,838,706.
Please see the Institutional Portion funding report:
Friday, January 7, 2022
Dear Judson Students and Parents,
Welcome back from Christmas Break, and for our new students welcome to Judson University. It was an exceptional Fall semester at Judson University in many ways such as new academic and co-curricular programs, the return of the World Leaders Forum, and an amazing Chapel series. Most importantly, we continued to keep our campuses in Elgin and Rockford safe and healthy. The overall impact of COVID was much lower at Judson than in our communities as well as the state. Thanks so much for your part in ensuring that we honor the health needs of each other and paying close attention to your health. So, we look forward to an equally exciting and safe Spring semester.
As the Spring semester gets underway, we want to remind you of our health protocols regarding COVID since you were outside of the “Judson bubble” during this time.
First, if you are not feeling well this next week as well as throughout the semester, please notify the Health Center at 847.628.2465. If you are sick, especially if you have a fever or if you tested positive and you are isolating off-campus, please contact Kristina Browne at [email protected] so she can guide you through our protocols.
Second, please remember to wear your masks in public areas such as the hallways or public restrooms, while you are not actively eating and drinking in the dining hall, or when in class and the professor asks you to please wear a mask. This is especially important given the impact of the newest COVID variation Omicron. Also, if you forget to wear your mask and a faculty or staff member asks you to put it on, please do so. Refusing to put your mask on when someone asks you is a violation of our community standards. It’s simple. Be polite and put your mask on.
Third, if you have chosen not to be vaccinated, please remember that according to the mandates of the Governor of Illinois, you are to submit a negative COVID test each week. We will continue to host a free testing clinic on campus each Tuesday in the Alumni Room in the University Center as long as the Governor’s mandate remains in effect. As a reminder, if you are requesting a religious or medical exemption please make sure that Kristina Browne has your paperwork documenting your request. If you are new to Judson and chose to be vaccinated, or if you were vaccinated over the break, please submit a copy of your vaccination card [email protected]
This semester and season of year also brings with it cold, snow and ice. Please remember to check your email, the Judson University webpage and the University’s social media accounts for updates when inclement weather hits our area.
Welcome to the Spring semester. Let’s continue to pray for a safe and healthy campus and a blessed academic term.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Dear Judson Students and Parents,
In May, Judson received a third round of federal funding, totaling $1,850,746, provided through the ARP: American Rescue Plan (HEERF III). This act provides funds for the University to issue emergency relief grants to students who demonstrate exceptional need.
The enclosed emergency relief grant amount was determined using the following criteria:
Since students must demonstrate exceptional need, students who are Pell or IMAP (or equivalent) eligible are receiving an emergency relief grant. There are three categories of students who meet our definition of exceptional need and are receiving emergency relief grants:
· Traditional undergraduate and RISE students Pell/IMAP eligible with expected family contribution (EFC) between 0-9000.
· Adult undergraduate and graduate students Pell/IMAP eligible with EFC between 0-9000.
· Graduate students who are Pell/IMAP eligible with EFC between 0-9000.
All students in the three categories who meet our definition of exceptional need (as outlined above) are considered to demonstrate a significant level of need. Thus, we are providing each student with an emergency grant. The emergency grant amounts will vary inversely to the recipients EFC (lower EFC = higher grant amount). The table below provides the approximate total of grant funds given using this distribution methodology:
If you have a balance on your account, this will still need to be paid. You may choose to use this check to pay down any outstanding balance or continue your original payment plan.
If you have questions regarding your emergency relief grant check, please contact:
Sarah Taylor, VP of Business Affairs, [email protected]
Walter Lopez, Director of Finance and Accounting, [email protected] or 847-628-2015
Call the University at 847-628-2500.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Welcome back from Fall Break. I hope it was helpful in preparing you for the remainder of the semester. In returning, we want to remind you of our health protocols regarding COVID since you were outside of the “Judson bubble” during this time.
First, if you are not feeling well this next week please notify the Wellness Center.
Second, please remember to wear your masks in public areas such as the hallways or public restrooms, while you are not actively eating and drinking in the dining hall, or when in class and the professor asks you to please wear a mask. Also, if you forget to wear your mask and a faculty or staff member asks you to put it on, please do so. Refusing to put your mask on when someone asks you is a violation of our community standards. It’s simple. Be polite and put your mask on.
Third, if you have chosen not to be vaccinated, please remember that according to the mandates of the Governor of Illinois, you are to submit a negative COVID test each week. We will continue to host a free testing clinic on campus as long as the Governor’s mandate remains in effect.
Thanks for keeping our community safe and welcome back. Let’s finish the fall semester strong by keeping our campus healthy.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Welcome back from the Thanksgiving break. We are now in a very quick sprint until the end of fall semester for our traditional students as well as concluding the academic terms for our graduate and adult students. We have been very blessed with a very, very safe and healthy fall semester. Thank you for the continuing grace you have shown towards each other regarding the health concerns related to COVID.
As we return from Thanksgiving break, it is very important that we all remain diligent in monitoring our health to ensure we continue to keep campus safe. Most of us were out of our “Judson bubble” during the break. We ask that you follow the following protocols as we complete the next couple of weeks of classes and finals.
1. The free COVID testing clinic will be held in the Alumni Room in the University Center tomorrow as well as next Tuesday. If you are not vaccinated, we want to remind you of the mandate from the Governor of Illinois to be tested each week. Also, if you are vaccinated and you are not feeling well or are concerned about being around others outside your bubble during Thanksgiving, you can be tested as well. The testing clinic is open to anyone in the Judson community, and there is no cost for the rapid test.
2. If you feel sick or slightly ill, please use caution in regard to coming to work or attending class. If you do feel like you need to miss class, please let your faculty member know as soon as possible. Also, consult your course syllabus to make sure you know the attendance policy and how that might affect your grade. If you need to miss work, please speak with your supervisor.
3. Finally, as a reminder, the state of Illinois requires masks to be worn indoors in public spaces. At Judson, this means that everyone needs to wear their mask in the hallways and the public restrooms. We still plan to hold the December Commencement on Saturday, December 11. Commencement is a public event, and we will be sharing the mask requirements for the graduates, participants, and guests in the upcoming week.
Welcome back from break! Let’s finish the fall semester strong so we can be blessed by a joyous Christmas season.
Friday, October 8, 2021
Judson Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I, II, III): Quarterly Reporting Requirements for September 30, 2021
In May 2021, Judson received $1,795,135 in a third round of federal funding provided through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III). This act provides funds for the University to issue emergency relief grants to students eligible to apply for federal financial aid and who demonstrate exceptional need. As of September 30, 2021, no emergency relief grants had been distributed to students. The University anticipates issuing emergency relief grants to eligible students by the end of November 2021.
Please see the Institutional Portion funding report:
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
Per the revised Executive Order by the Governor of Illinois on September 3, 2021, students, faculty, staff and contract partners who are on campus are mandated by the State to either be fully vaccinated or submit a weekly negative COVID test. The State’s deadline for submitting proof of vaccination and the first week to submit a negative COVID test result must be completed by Sunday, September 26.
Judson University is not certified to conduct COVID testing. However, Medberi Inc. will provide on-campus COVID-19 testing at no cost to our students, staff, and faculty each Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Alumni Room at the University Center beginning this Tuesday, September 21. No appointment is required. Also, there are numerous other testing locations near campus that students, faculty and staff can access. A complete list of these locations is found in the Health Services section of MyJudson. Judson University will not be funding COVID testing since free testing is readily accessible.
COVID testing results for faculty, staff and students should be submitted using the email address [email protected]. Vaccinated students and employees can submit their proof of vaccination at any time using the email address to [email protected]. These are email accounts that are administered by a technology company that specializes in collecting sensitive medical information in a secure and encrypted manner.
As previously shared, the Governor’s order includes health and religious exemptions. Please use the exemption forms on the Health Services page (standard vaccine exemption form) if you need to submit an exemption. Students and employees can print and submit this exemption form if they do not intend to submit a vaccination or submit an electronic copy with their signature. Even with an exemption, non-vaccinated individuals are still required by the State to submit a weekly negative COVID test.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
Late Friday afternoon, the Governor of Illinois announced that the deadline for the vaccination/testing mandates he issued the previous week is changed from today (Sunday, September 5) to Sunday, September 19. For the Judson community, the deadline for fully unvaccinated employees to begin submit a weekly negative COVID test is Sunday, September 26. As a reminder, non-vaccinated employees are required to submit a weekly negative test.
Non-vaccinated students are asked to voluntarily submit their weekly negative COVID tests also by Sunday, September 26.
COVID testing results should be submitted using the email address [email protected]. Vaccinated students and employees can submit their proof of vaccination at any time using the email address to [email protected].
As previously shared, the Governor’s order includes health and religious exemptions. Please use theexemption forms on the Health Services page (standard vaccine exemption form). Students and employees can print and submit this exemption form if they do not intend to submit a vaccination or submit an electronic copy with their signature.
Friday, September 3, 2021
The Judson University community was blessed with a successful and healthy 2020-2021 academic year. We maintained a safe and healthy campus because of our health protocols, and we are using the evidence of our successful efforts to guide us through the mandate issued by the Governor of Illinois in the Executive order that was surprisingly announced last Thursday. The Governor’s order included two mandates for residents of Illinois that applied to higher education: face coverings and vaccinations. The Governor’s executive order does affect Judson University. Even as a private university, we are subject to the mandates by the Governor as enacted through the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The following communication addresses our three most relevant health protocols based upon the evidence available so far and our experiences at Judson; our plans regarding the vaccination/testing mandate, an update on our face coverings actions, and information on families visiting campus.
Judson’s Health Protocols
Our experience and the evidence available so far clearly indicates that the three most effective health actions for our community are the following.
1) Each person is responsible for their health choices, and we will honor those decisions. Perhaps the most impactful decision a student could make to protect the health of our community is if you are not feeling well then either stay at home or in your room until you feel better and work with your faculty to follow-up on your coursework. If you are a staff member, then work from home or use your time off benefits. Faculty members who are not feeling well should reach out to their supervisors to propose and discuss options.
2) We have emphasized to students for over a year the importance of “build your bubble.” We encourage students that when you are off-campus please demonstrate prudence and some caution regarding not being in situations that place you in consistent close proximity with people not in your bubble.
3) Practice physical distancing of a little over 3 feet (the standard in much of Europe) or 6 feet (CDC’s recommendation) with people not in your bubble.
Of course, we encourage hand washing/sanitizing, and we continually maintain our air filters and air circulation systems. We have deployed these and other measures to keep our campus safe. However, people debate the efficacy of masks, express concerns about vaccinations, share frustrations because they feel everyone should be vaccinated, request mandatory mask requirements, etc. We have received all of these concerns and more from students, parents, community members and others. COVID-19 and the response to it has continued to divide families, communities and organizations. Our continued approach is to implement effective measures that keep our campus safe and provide an on-campus, in-person, Christ-centered learning experience because that is the most successful environment to help students achieve their educational goals.
Vaccination and Testing Mandate
The Governor’s executive order states that all higher education employees, contract employees and students be either vaccinated or show proof each week of a negative COVID test. Judson University’s position regarding vaccinations is that they are a personal decision, and Judson University will not mandate vaccinations. We believe there are important religious convictions and health issues that impact a person’s decision regarding vaccinations, and religious and health exemptions are covered in the Governor’s order. The Governor of Illinois can use the legislative process to enact a law requiring COVID vaccinations as has been done with other diseases and health concerns.
Judson University is asking students to voluntarily comply with the Governor’s executive order regarding testing. Judson employees and employees of contract partners are required to submit a weekly test. We have set-up two email addresses on an encrypted, secure server hosted by an outside technology security company for employees and students to submit their documentation. Individuals who are vaccinated should send a copy of their proof of vaccination to [email protected]. Individuals who are not vaccinated should, by the Governor’s order, submit each week proof of a negative COVID test to [email protected]. The first deadline to submit a negative COVID test is Sunday, September 12.
Judson University is not licensed to administer COVID tests. We work with local partners to assist us with the testing process. Health insurance will pay for COVID testing, and we are asking people to secure their testing on their own. However, if a student has a financial, transportation or other need then we will assist them in securing a COVID test. Contact Student Life for this assistance. Faculty and staff are responsible for securing their COVID test on a weekly basis.
Face Coverings Update
Last Sunday, August 29, we shared our plans regarding face coverings on campus. Here is the update to those actions with change indicated in bold italics.
– Face coverings are required in public places to include the library, hallways, restrooms, and lobbies/waiting areas.
– Students dining on campus and anyone who is attending an event where food is served should wear masks as they enter and receive their food. Face coverings can be removed while dining. Face coverings need to be replaced when dining is completed.
– Students should wear face coverings when entering and exiting classrooms. Once in the classroom, the faculty member will determine if face coverings can be removed. Once students are in their seats and class has begun, the faculty member may choose to allow students’ masks to be removed during the class, and the faculty member may remove her/his mask as they maintain six feet of distance from the students.
– Occupancy in classrooms and other spaces will remain at their current capacities.
– Residential students are not required to wear their facial coverings once they enter the residence hall where they reside. Visitation hours for Judson students will resume on Monday, September 6. We have now been in the fall semester for two weeks and some students have been on campus even longer so we have “built our bubble.”
– Participants should wear face coverings while entering and exiting facilities for indoor events such as chapel, musical performances, athletic events, and other programs. Participants may choose to remove their masks once they are seated and if they can consistently maintain six feet of distance with others who are not “in their bubble.” At Chapel and other high-volume events, there may be optional mask-only seating areas set up for those who desire that space.
We also want to clearly state that parents and family members are welcome on campus at any time, and we do not believe the requirements for the testing and vaccinations apply to them. However, we ask that you please wear face coverings in the public areas we have previously stated. Homecoming and Family Weekend are the weekend of October 1-2, and we want to ensure our students, their families and our alumni that attend will continue to have a safe campus to welcome them to that weekend.
Again, we understand that people have very different opinions and reactions to the policies, protocols and executive orders issued regarding all of these situations. Thank you for your patience, trust and candor during this process. As stated, we had an exceptional 2020-2021 academic year, and we have had an amazing and great start to the 2021-2022 year. We intend to continue to do so.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
On Thursday, August 26, the Governor of Illinois issued an executive order regarding COVID-19. The order addressed two areas that impact higher education – face coverings and vaccinations. Before addressing these two areas, here is some important context regarding positivity rates and hospital accessibility in our area as provided by the Greater Elgin EMS System as of Friday, August 27.
Meanwhile our current policies remain in effect, and we want to review our current policies on how to best keep our community safe. To accommodate the Kane County Health Department recommendations, Judson is now requiring that masks be used in public spaces. This means that all individuals will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status in hallways, entryways, waiting in lines outside the dining hall (though they may remove the mask once seated at their dining tables), etc., on campus.
– The overall statewide positivity rate is 5.7%
– Western Suburbs (Kane & DuPage) positivity Rate 5.7%, down slightly from 6.1% a week prior
– Cook County Positivity Rate 4.7%, down slightly from 5.0% a week prior
– McHenry County Positivity Rate 7.4%, down from 8.2% a week prior
– 76% of Illinois residents have received at least one dose of COVID vaccine and 59% are fully vaccinated
– Elgin area hospital capacity is stable
This information reflects some positive trends.
Face Coverings
The Governor’s executive order stated that, statewide, individuals are required to wear face coverings that cover their mouth and nose while in indoor public places. The order takes effect on Monday, August 30. Judson University currently requires that face coverings be worn in the library, hallways, and public restrooms. The following points clarify how we plan to proceed with face coverings.
– Face coverings are required in public places to include the library, hallways, restrooms, and lobbies/waiting areas.
– Students dining on campus and anyone who is attending an event where food is served should wear masks as they enter and receive their food. Face coverings can be removed while dining. Face coverings need to be replaced when dining is completed.
– Students should wear face coverings when entering and exiting classrooms. Once in the classroom, the faculty member will determine if face coverings can be removed. Once students are in their seats and class has begun, the faculty member may choose to allow students’ masks to be removed during the class, and the faculty member may remove her/his mask as they maintain six feet of distance from the students. Please note that not all academic spaces allow for face coverings to be safely removed, and as per our health protocols, we will be respectful of all community members’ health decisions.
– Occupancy in classrooms and other spaces will remain at their current capacities. The executive order does not address occupancy.
– Residential students are not required to wear their facial coverings once they enter the residence hall where they reside. Unfortunately, given this executive order, we are going to temporarily suspend visitation hours this coming week, and we will make week-by-week determinations on reopening visitation hours.
– Participants should wear face coverings while entering and exiting facilities for indoor events such as chapel, musical performances, athletic events, and other programs. Participants may choose to remove their masks once they are seated and if they can consistently maintain six feet of distance with others who are not “in their bubble.” At Chapel and other high-volume events, there may be optional mask-only seating areas set up for those who desire that space.
Vaccination Mandate
Also included in the Governor’s executive order was a mandate for all university employees and students who are on campus to be either vaccinated or provide weekly proof of a negative COVID-19 test. This is to take effect on September 5. The following are the key points affecting higher education as it pertains to vaccinations.
– The order applies to all Judson University employees, volunteers, and contractors who are on campus
– As of Sunday, September 5, anyone who is not fully vaccinated or who has not received their first vaccination must provide proof to the university each week of a negative COVID test
– Anyone who does not provide proof of either vaccination or a negative COVID test is not allowed on campus
– Occupancy in classrooms and other spaces will remain at their current capacities. The executive order does not address occupancy.
– There was no date provided as to when showing proof of a negative COVID test is to conclude so this could possibly last the entire semester
Judson University considers being vaccinated a personal choice and, as the Governor’s order included, there are religious and health exemptions regarding vaccinations. There was no previous communication from the Governor or the Illinois Board of Higher Education regarding the possibility of this mandate and, as of this email message, no additional guidance has been provided beyond the order regarding some key provisions. So, University leadership has been gathering information on how we can proceed, and we will issue an update later this week regarding the processes we will put into place to respond to this order; so please look for an additional email by Wednesday, September 1, as to how we will implement this part of the executive order. However, by Monday, September 6, we will be required to have some process in place regarding compliance to this mandate, which will impact our students and employees as they must provide proof of either vaccination or a negative COVID test.
Judson University was blessed with a healthy and successful academic year last year because we created a respectful, supportive environment, and we had excellent health protocols. Our first two protocols are: 1.) You are responsible for your health decisions and communicating your health preferences; and 2.) We will respect people’s health decisions. Please remain courteous and respectful concerning people’s health decisions as they pertain to these mandates by the state.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
The Governor of Illinois issued new mandates today regarding a statewide mask mandate and vaccinations for higher education students and employees. Unfortunately, this announcement lacked important relevant guidance as to how to implement these directives. It is our hope that over the next 24 hours the leadership of the State of Illinois will share information regarding important aspects of these edicts. We will make the appropriate changes to our procedures as soon as we receive any information so please look for updates over the next 24 hours as well as throughout the weekend.To accommodate the Kane County Health Department health recommendations, Judson is now requiring that masks be used in public spaces. As of now, all individuals will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status in hallways and public restrooms on campus.
Meanwhile our current policies remain in effect, and we want to review our current policies on how to best keep our community safe. To accommodate the Kane County Health Department recommendations, Judson is now requiring that masks be used in public spaces. This means that all individuals will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status in hallways, entryways, waiting in lines outside the dining hall (though they may remove the mask once seated at their dining tables), etc., on campus.
Here are some key points we would like to reiterate:
– Faculty, staff, and coaches will make the decisions on mask use in classes, meetings, and other activities which they lead.
– Large events, such as athletic events, concerts, plays, and chapel, may contain a designated area in which masks are required.
– Judson will proceed with plans for scheduled Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break.
– Judson believes that having the vaccine is a personal choice for all students, faculty, and staff.
– Judson continues to follow all NAIA, CCAC, and/or NCCAA guidelines regarding COVID safety. You will be notified of any changes should that be needed.
– Community members who are not feeling well should stay home and, in some cases, receive a COVID-19 test to determine if more precautions are needed.
– Individuals who believe they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days should remain at home and notify Health Services for follow up and direction. Judson University Health Services will monitor all reported cases and continue to provide appropriate notification to local authorities concerning cases.
– If students will be absent from classes or athletic practices, they should notify their professors and coaches.
Thank you for working diligently to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible. We look forward to continuing with our efforts and also enjoying more opportunities to be together in the new academic year.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
To accommodate the Kane County Health Department health recommendations, Judson is now requiring that masks be used in public spaces. As of now, all individuals will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status in hallways and public restrooms on campus.
We will continue with our ongoing plans as outlined on June 11:
– For the 2021-22 academic year, Judson will offer in-person learning and proceed with plans for the scheduled Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break.
– The university will continue to follow safety protocols recommended by the Kane County Health Department and will modify its health and safety procedures to comply with the Kane County Health Department and state regulations.
– Judson will not mandate the use of vaccines and believes that having the vaccine is a personal choice for all students, faculty, and staff.
– Faculty members will determine if masks are required in their class.
– Judson continues to follow all NAIA, CCAC, and/or NCCAA guidelines regarding COVID safety. You will be notified of any changes should that be needed.
– Campus events will be in-person and each situation will be evaluated to ensure that we are following spacing and safety guidelines. Chapel will also return to in-person events.
– Community members who are not feeling well are encouraged to stay home and, in some cases, receive a COVID-19 test to determine if more precautions are needed.
– Individuals who believe they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days are asked to remain at home and to notify Health Services for follow up and direction. Judson University Health Services will monitor all reported cases and continue to provide appropriate notification to local authorities concerning cases.
Once again, thank you for working diligently to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible. We look forward to continuing with our efforts and also enjoying more opportunities to be together in the new academic year.
Monday, June 19, 2021
Updates to Campus Community
As we get closer to the start of the fall semester, we continue to monitor the CDC and Kane County Health Department guidelines for COVID-safe policies. At this time, we have concluded that the June 11 communication (see below), with one additional note about athletics, continues to outline our policies. We will review these policies and make appropriate changes as needed in the future.
– For the 2021-22 academic year, Judson will offer in-person learning and proceed with plans for the scheduled Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break.
– The university will continue to follow safety protocols recommended by the Kane County Health Department and will modify its health and safety procedures to comply with the Kane County Health Department and state regulations.
– Judson will not mandate the use of vaccines and believes that having the vaccine is a personal choice for all students, faculty, and staff.
– In accordance with the Kane County Health Department’s requirements, anyone who has not been fully vaccinated is required to wear a mask indoors; this includes common areas in classroom and office buildings as well as in residence halls. Individuals who are vaccinated (two weeks after your final vaccine) are not required to wear masks. Judson will re-evaluate its health and safety protocols and make any appropriate changes to this plan as needed throughout the semester.
– Regardless, faculty members will determine if masks are required in their class.
– Judson continues to follow all NAIA, CCAC, and/or NCCAA guidelines regarding COVID safety. You will be notified of any changes should that be needed.
– Campus events will be in-person and each situation will be evaluated to ensure that we are following spacing and safety guidelines. Chapel will also return to in-person events.
– Community members who are not feeling well are encouraged to stay home and, in some cases, receive a COVID-19 test to determine if more precautions are needed.
– Individuals who believe they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days are asked to remain at home and to notify Health Services for follow up and direction. Judson University Health Services will monitor all reported cases and continue to provide appropriate notification to local authorities concerning cases.
Thank you for working so diligently last year to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible. We look forward to continuing with our efforts and also enjoying more opportunities to be together in the new academic year.